
Special Judge, Guwahati
Last date: 15 days
Applications in standard form are invited from the citizen of India for filling up the following post under the Establishment of Special Judge, Assam, Guwahati-781001.
Name of the Post: Peon -
Total vacancy: 01 Post (UR)
Qualification: Minimum VIII standard passed.
Scale of Pay: 12,000 - 37,000/- plus G.P. Rs. 3900/- and other allowances admissible under rules.
Age limit (as on 01.06.2018): Min 18 years and Maximum 44 years. Relaxation of age will be as per existing rules of Govt. of Assam.
General Condition:
1. Candidates have to submit their applications in the standard form annexed with self-attested relevant documents showing Educational Qualification, age, Residence proof, caste etc.
2. Three (03) copies of recent PP size photograph and one self-addressed stamp envelope should be enclosed with the application.
3. Date and Place of the interview will be intimated later on through District Judiciary website and Court Notice Board.
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