
Interview Date: 30/04/2019
CSIR - North East Institute of Science & Technology, (NEIST) Jorhat invites eligible candidates for appearing a walk-in-interview for the post of Project Fellow/ Junior Research Fellow (JRF).
1. Project Fellow/ JRF
Project Title: Phytopharmaceutical development of Ficus semicordata Buch. – Ham ex. Sm. As per regulatory guidelines of DCGI.
Total Post: 01
Qualification: 1st Class MSc in Chemistry.
Maximum Age: 30 years.
Remuneration: Rs. 25000/- + 8% HRA per month for 2 years and Rs. 28000/-+ 8% HRA per month for 3 rd year.
2. Project Fellow/ JRF
Project Title: Project Title: Continuous Flow Photochemistry: Visible Light Induced C-H Functionalization and C-C / C-X Bond Formations to Access Valuable Hetrocycles and Natural Products.
Total Post: 01
Qualification: 1st Class MSc in Organic Chemistry.
Maximum Age: 30 years.
- For NET qualified - Rs. 31000/- per month for 2 years and Rs. 35000/- per month for 3rd year
- For Others - Rs. 25000/- + 8% HRA per month for 2 years and Rs. 28000/-+ 8% HRA per month for 3rd year.
3. Project Fellow/ JRF
Project Title: Project Title: Active Geodynamics, Evolution, Structure and Deformation analysis of Indo-Burman Wedge.
Total Post: 01
Qualification: 1st Class MSc/ MSc Tech/ M.Tech in Geophysics/ Geophysical Technology/ Geology/ Computational Seismology/ Physics or related subjects.
Maximum Age: 30 years.
Duration: The project completion date may be extended depending upon the grant of the Funding agencies.
Age: As on date of interview will be taken into consideration. (Relaxable for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Govt of India orders)
Interview Date Time & Venue:
- Interview Date: 30-04-2019
- Time: 9.30 am onwards
- Venue: Conference Room, 1st Floor Administrative Bldg, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam.
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