Recruitment Authority | Tezpur University |
Walk-in Date | 04/02/2020 |
Tezpur University Recruitment 2020 - Details:
Name of the Post: Guest Faculty
Department: Physics
Total Post: 02
Subject Area / Specialization:
- Electronics 1 Post
- Open: 1 Post
Qualification: First Class Master’s Degree in the concerned subject.
Notwithstanding the above, the following conditions may be considered desirable:
(i) Teaching, research, industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization;
(ii) Papers presented at Conferences and / or published in refereed journals.
(iii) A Ph.D. degree.
Emoluments: Appointed Guest Faculties will be paid Rs. 1,500/- per lecture subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000/- per month.
Date and Venue of Interview:
- Date & Time: 04/02/2020 (Tuesday) from 2 PM onwards. Reporting time 1.30 AM.
- Venue: In the Administration Building, Tezpur University.
How To Apply: Interested candidates are to register their names along with detailed biodata/CV (mentioning Name, Father/Mother/Spouse Name, Permanent & Correspondence Address, Phone No., e-mail, Date of Birth, Caste, Sex, Detailed Educational Qualification from 10th standard onwards, Detailed Work Experience, Present Position (if working) with details of job nature, etc.) by e-mail to the Head of the concerned department (hod_phy@tezu.ernet.in) by 5.00 PM of 31/01/2020.
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