Recruitment Authority | Janata College Serfanguri, Kokrajhar |
Mode of Apply | Offline |
Last Date | 21/02/2020 |
Janata College Serfanguri, Kokrajhar, Recruitment 2020 - Details:
Name of the Post: Assistant Professor Department: Economics
No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved as per Roster Point No.1)
Age Limit: Age of candidates should not be more than 38 years with relaxation of 5 years for ST/SC and 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates as on 01.01.2020.
Eligibility Condition:
Qualification as per the latest UGC norms with NET/SLET/SET as mandatory eligibility conditions.
Candidates having Ph.D. degree in accordance with the UGC (Minimum standards and procedure for award of Ph.D. degree) regulations, 2009 shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility conditions of NET/SLET/SET.
Preference will be given to the candidates belonging to the B.T.C. area vide BTC's OM No. AHE.407/2017/44 dated 8th November 2018 and having the knowledge of local language.
The candidates must have Permanent Residential Certificate. Eligibility like M.Phil/Ph.D./Seminar Papers/ Publications may be produced on the date of interview also and not beyond.
How To Apply:
Application complete in all aspects with necessary testimonials along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 1500/- (one thousand five hundred) only drawn in favour of the Principal, Janata Colege, Serfanguripayabke at SBI, Kokrajhar Court Para Branch (00119), Kokrajhar must reach the following address within 15 days from the date of this advertisement.
Sd/ Dr. S. Basumatary
Principal/ Secretary
Janata College, Sefranguri
P.O.- Sefranguri
Dist- Kokrajhar, BTAD (Assam)
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