Vacancy for Teachers in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas situated in Assam & Nagaland 2018 - [walk-in]


Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya
Interview Date: 23.11.2018

Candidates are invited for a walk-in-interview for the posts of Senior Secondary/ Secondary teachers in the following subjects for Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas situated in Assam & Nagaland.

1. Mathematics (Senior Secondary/ Secondary)
2. Political Science  (Senior Secondary)
3. Computer, Hindi, English (Secondary)
4. Science-Physics/ Chemistry (Secondary)

Eligibility: Masters Degree/ Bachelor Degree with major in relevant subjects. Candidates having B.Ed degree will be given preference. 

Salary is negotiable and is completely based on the qualification, experience & performance of the candidates in the classroom demonstration.

For confirmation of their candidature by SMS and for any further details please contact- 8811021693 & 9435909459. To confirm the candidature in the mentioned two phone numbers, candidate should write their name, subject, qualification and place of their attending their interview in SMS.

Selected candidates have to join respective Vidyalayas on or before 1st December 2018. Interested candidates can come with their mark sheets, certificates, other testimonials and two copies of PP size photographs on the following date, time and venue:

Date & Time of Interview: 23.11.2018 at 10 AM onwards.
1. Vivekananda Kendra Shiksha Prasar Vibhag, S.C.,  Goswami Road, Near Sukreswar Temple, Guwahati-781001. OR
2. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Dibrugarh, OR
3. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Golaghat, OR
4. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kajalgaon (Bengtol Road) District- Chirang (BTAD).